Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ 900


You’ll Learn
  • Clear concepts o AZ 900 exam
  • Provide good preparation for AZ 900 exam
  • Provide confidance in taking AZ 900 exam
  • Passing AZ 900 exam


  • Computer literacy


Disclaimer: This exam is in no way endorsed by /affiliated with official Microsoft certification body.

This practice exam is designed to prepare candidates for passing AZ-900 exam with 100% confidence. In case candidates are not satisfied there is 30-days money back guarantee but hopefully that will be the ghost of chance.

Topics covered in AZ-900 exam:

  • Describe Cloud Concepts 

  • Describe Cloud Computing

  • Describe the benefits of using Cloud services

  • Describe Cloud service types

2. Describe Azure Architectures and services

  • Describe the core architectural components

  • Describe azure compute and networking services

  • Describe azure storage services

  • Describe azure identity, access, and security

3. Describe Azure management and governance

  • Describe Cost Management in Azure

  • Describe features and tools in Azure for governance and compliance

  • Describe feature and tools for managing and deploying Azure resources

  • Describe monitoring tools in Azure

Exams Updates:

  • The number of Sections has been changed from four to six.

  • The weightage of the Describe cloud concepts has increased to (25–30%)

  • The weightage of the Describe Azure architecture and services (35–40%)

  • The weightage of the Describe Azure management and governance (30–35%)

AZ-900 Exam Information

  • Certification Name: AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification.

  • Exam Duration: 90 minutes

  • Number of Questions: 40-60

  • Passing Score: 700

Who this course is for:

  • Candidates taking on AZ 900 exam
  • candidates seeking role of Cloud practitioner

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